Once you have made your Will, there may be an occasion along the line when you feel the need to revoke or cancel it.
Although you may choose to replace your current Will with a newer, updated version, you can actually revoke your current Will by physically destroying it or getting remarried. Using Wills solicitors in North Wales will guarantee that any revoking of Wills is done so legally.
You may choose to revoke a Will yourself, but it is worth bearing in mind that when you die, if you have not made your current Will correctly, it will be automatically cancelled by the courts. Errors made to make your Will invalid could include the document not being signed properly and if it can be proven that you were not of sound mind when you made your Will.
If you ever decide to update or change your Will, this new version will automatically cancel out your older version. To avoid any confusions, your Will writing solicitors in North Wales will probably advise you to destroy the old one. It is vital though that the new Will is valid, otherwise you could die intestate if you destroy the old, valid one. Marriage will invalidate your old Will but divorce will not, so it is important to revisit your Will if you and your spouse separate.
Please contact us here at Bennett Smith Solicitors today and make arrangements with one of our advisors to come in and speak to us in more detail about your Will.