A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a crucial document which should be considered if you have a Will.
You can have up to four attorneys who will deal with your affairs if you ever become incapable of doing this yourself. Your children or your legal advisor can be attorneys, but anyone aged eighteen or over can be one as long as they are sound in mind. Solicitors in Bangor can provide further advice on attorneys.
One you have decided who will be your attorneys, you can give them authority to make decisions about your healthcare if you become too unwell to make your own decisions. You will need to sign the Health and Care lasting power of attorney form; this signature must also be witnessed. When you want a Property and Finance lasting power of attorney you can choose to make your attorneys responsible for your finances immediately or only when you cannot manage these yourself in the case of illness or accidents.
You may choose to leave additional instructions for your attorneys such as how you would like your money to be invested or who you believe to be the best financial advisor they could use. Once the lasting powers of attorney has been properly signed and witnesses, solicitors in Porthmadog can advise you about who to inform about the existence of this document. Up to four people can be notified formally.
Make contact now with us at Bennett Smith Solicitors and arrange a discussion with us about lasting powers of attorney.