Even the most basic of Wills need to contain important information to ensure they are legal.
For instance, a Wills solicitor in North Wales will advise you to add a declaration so that it is clear it is your Will and you are fully aware of the contents. Even if the document contains few details, you will need to sign and date it and ensure it is signed by two independent witnesses.
You should name an executor in your Will, even if you have limited assets and little to distribute. This must be someone you trust implicitly and has no vested interest in your estate. The document should contain very clear and simple details about who you want to leave your possessions to. This may be a single individual, or you may choose to leave particular items to named individuals.
Once you have made your Will, you must remember that any previous Will will become invalid. Adding a revocation clause will make this clear and help avoid any confusion in the event of your death. You may also want to add details about what should happen to any items not listed in your Will; these are called residuals. You may, for instance, want to leave them to a charity or good cause. Will writing solicitors in North Wales could also advise you to add other information such as funeral arrangements.
Speak to us today at Bennett Smith Solicitors and allow us to book you an appointment today to talk to us about making your Will.