A power of attorney is used when an individual becomes incapacitated and is no longer able to make their own decisions about their health or assets.
Since these documents can be quite complex and there are many nuances to them, it is always important to employ the service of solicitors to assist.
For instance, there are two types of power of attorneys: those dealing with health and welfare and those that are about finance and property. It is vital those involved in preparing and commissioning this paperwork know the differences and opt for the ones most suitable for them. At the same time, it is also crucial to appoint a trusted person or persons to act as attorneys. These people could potentially determine many aspects of someone’s life, so they must not have a vested selfish interest in the process.
Solicitors in Bangor will help to register the power of attorney so it becomes valid and legally binding. Forward planning is important as this stage of the business could take several weeks or months. The paperwork is registered with the Office of Public Guardian.
Attorneys are unable to make amendments to the persons Will, nor are they able to undertake actions like voting or requesting a divorce on behalf of the person they are acting for. When that person dies, the power of the attorney ends.
Take a moment to contact us now at Bennett Smith Solicitors and make an appointment to discuss options for powers of attorney.