To ensure you have peace of mind in the event of you losing the capacity to look after yourself, registering a lasting power of attorney (LPA) document could be key.
A formal Lasting Power of Attorney document outlines who you want to make your decisions if you become unwell, but it must be correctly registered to make it legally binding and solicitors in North Wales can advise you on how to do this.
As well as ensuring your Lasting Power of Attorney is valid, registering this document with the Office of Public Guardian, this process can also protect you against any future abuse. Once someone is a documented as an attorney, they must abide by prescribed legal guidelines. This means any abuse of power will be investigated and action taken to prevent any mistreatment or mishandling of your assets.
Having your Lasting Power of Attorney appropriately registered will allow you to properly plan for your future. Although it may not always be pleasant to think about a time when you may not be able to make your own decisions, using the services of solicitors in Porthmadog will assure you that your preferences and choices will be respected and followed if this does happen. When your LPA is registered, it can easily be checked and verified so there are no mistakes or misunderstandings.
Look to us here at Bennett Smith Solicitors today to set up a meeting with a legal advisor to discuss lasting power of attorney further.