If you own property and assets in a foreign country, it may be advisable to draw up an international Will or Wills.
It is important to make a list of holdings you have in each country, and consult with a Will writing solicitor in North Wales specialising in international matters to ensure you’re getting the most appropriate advice.
A legal advisor will be able to help you assess the value of assets in each country, investigate the Will making requirements and the tax implications. If you have properties in more than one country, for example, you might need a Will to deal with each nation.
Different countries have varying laws relating to how Wills and Probate are dealt with, so with each Will you’ll need to address these.
Alternatively, a global Will may be appropriate, since this can deal with all currencies and property no matter where they are in the world. If you have assets in multiple countries, this paperwork will simplify the Will making process and condense everything into one document.
Wills and Probate solicitors in North Wales may advise you to simply use your UK Will to deal with international assets. This can be carried out so long as the document specifies the individual laws of the varying countries. Solicitors will also make sure each bequest is valid in the country where the assets are located.
Speak to our experts today at Bennett Smith Solicitors, and request more information about the process of an international Will.