Making a Will is often thought of as a task for older people, however it is important to consider making your own Will, even if you feel you are too young.
Will writing solicitors in North Wales can advise you on the benefits of doing this as soon as you are legally able to. As soon as you become an adult you may form a lasting relationship, have children or own property. All of these are reasons to consider making a Will so there is no confusion or trauma should you die unexpectedly. It is a solid idea to make formal arrangements for any children you have as they are likely to be very young if you die under the age of thirty, for example.
You may also have a partner who you have not yet planned to marry. It is worth remembering that if you feel you are too young to marry at this stage of your life, your partner will have no automatic rights to your assets if you die, unless you have made a Will and named them as a beneficiary.
Many people choose to start buying their first property when they are still relatively young. If you are in this situation, Wills solicitors in North Wales will likely advise you to add this to your Will to protect the interests of partner and any children you have.
Our team at Bennett Smith Solicitors can help you make your Will, so make an appointment to see us today.