Although grandparents do not have automatic rights to see their grandchildren unless they are primary carers, they often feel they need to exert their rights to contact if this has been denied.
This is a part of family law which is often complex so solicitors in Caernarfon can help navigate some of the issues. For example, before any formal actions are taken, legal experts may suggest negotiations or mediation to come to an agreement with the children’s parents or guardians to re-establish contact. However, this course of action is not always successful, especially if relationships have been irreparably damaged.
When any informal attempts to resolve the issues of contact fail, grandparents could approach the court of law for a Child Arrangement Order. However, since grandparents do not have the legal right to see the children, it will be at the discretion of the court to decide if the order would be granted.
Family law solicitors in North Wales will help put a case together for grandparent access and will also ensure that the correct paperwork is completed, and any court fees are paid. If grandparents are approved to pursue the order, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service will become involved and will offer advice on any safeguarding and police issues relating to the case. Once the courts have the information they need, a decision can be reached.
Make contact with us at Bennett Smith Solicitors today and ask us for our expert advice on family law including issues with grandparents’ rights.