There are several reasons to have a Will is a sensible idea for people of all ages.
Will writing solicitors in North Wales are able to discuss plans for almost anyone’s estate in the event of their death.
If someone is aged eighteen or over, and especially if they own property, have children or have any other responsibilities for the care of others, creating a Will is worthwhile idea. Many people may not realise that there are times when partners do not have automatic rights to the estate of the deceased, especially of there is no verified Will. Not having a Will could result in the state seizing the estate when no relatives can be traced. It is worth remembering that those in the armed forces often have the authority to make a Will, even if they are under the age of eighteen.
Making a Will is relatively easy, especially if Will solicitors in North Wales are used. A Will must be in writing; any verbal agreements or arrangements will not be valid. For those who find it uncomfortable to discuss their funeral arrangements or what will happen after they die, a Will is the ideal way of passing on wishes and instructions. Take time to choose executors who are trustworthy as they are under no legal obligation to adhere to any specified funeral arrangements.
Make sure you contact us now at Bennett Smith Solicitors and ask for advice and guidance on making a Will; our experts will arrange for you to have an appointment.