Legally, you are only allowed to have one Will. This should be a clearly written and signed document that Will writing solicitors in North Wales have helped you complete. It is, however, possible to update and change this Will.
There might be a number of reasons why you want to change your Will, and these could range from getting remarried to buying a new house. Any event of importance in your life may prompt you to think about how this changes your assets and who you might want to leave them to in the event of your death. Every time you make a new Will, the previous one will become invalid.
If you want to add extra information to your Will without changing the whole document, you could use a codicil. Generally, only minor changes can be done using codicils, but they could include amending the amount of money you want to leave someone or changing your executor.
Any major changes to your Will, like adding children or new family members, will require a completely new one. Wills solicitors in North Wales will help you to make the new Will and add a section that revokes any previous versions. Any old Wills should be properly destroyed by shredding or burning it. In this way, there is no confusion over which Will to use and your most up-to-date wishes are carried out.
Speak to us now at Bennett Smith Solicitors and arrange to speak to one of our legal advisors about making or changing your Will.