In some fortunate instances, divorces are straightforward and can be resolved relatively quickly and easily. However, there are times when divorces can be difficult and contentious.
Divorce solicitors in North Wales can advise during these sorts of processes and help people deal with issues such as a badly behaved spouse.
Acrimonious divorces can be difficult for all involved and it is always advisable to try and avoid these sorts of situations, but expert legal advisors may be able to make things easier by suggesting mediation or counselling. If these suggestions do not work or a spouse rejects the offers, then it is worth looking at different ways of managing the divorce.
For example, it may be appropriate to deal with the divorce outside the courts of law. Negotiations may be conducted via informal negotiations, and separation solicitors in North Wales can manage this process. This more informal approach may create a calmer and less confrontational space for agreeing the finer details of the divorce.
If a spouse continues to behave inappropriately, it may be worth reminding them that their conduct could ultimately influence any financial settlement. The law courts are well within their rights to grant a smaller amount if they deem behaviour extremely unacceptable. For the spouse affected by the others poor behaviour, communicating via email or even by text could be suggested to reduce the possibility of face-to-face conflict.
Make contact today with us here at Bennett Smith Solicitors and let our experts book you an appointment to help guide you through the divorce process.