Having a Will is crucial to avoid any problems distributing your assets after you have died. You can make a will at any time once you are aged eighteen or over, but there are some specific periods when considering using Wills solicitors in North Wales is more urgent.
For example, when your financial situation changes, you may want to consider making a Will or updating an existing one. These circumstances could include selling property which had previously been detailed or alternatively, you may come into additional monies or assets which need to be included in this document.
You may take ownership of a pet and place a high emotional value on it. On these occasions, you could want to make arrangements for their care in the event of your death. Wanting to detail how you need them to be looked after is often a motivation for having a Will drawn up.
If you set up a website, start storing emotionally valuable photographs on the cloud or even buy cryptocurrency, you will have acquired digital assets. Protecting these and ensuring they are not lost after you have died is often important. Once you have done any of these, you may want to consider using Wills solicitors to set out how you want these things to be looked after or distributed.
At Bennett Smith Solicitors, we are able to provide the most up to date and accurate advice on making a Will, so please contact us today.