An expat or expatriate is someone who lives outside their native country. It is important for someone like this to consider making a Will and, depending on where they currently live, they may need to use Will writing solicitors in North Wales to help them consider the implications of the laws of their chosen home country.
Without making a valid Will, a person living abroad could leave a complicated and lengthy process for their loved ones to deal with. It could potentially take many years, for example, for jurisdiction to be resolved if a Will that is appropriate for the country is not completed.
Matters like tax treaties and domiciles will have an impact on the amount of inheritance tax payable and these can vary from country to country. It is vital, therefore, that specific legal advice is used to understand the rules. Residency status is also important when making a Will and how your assets will be distributed. Wills solicitors in North Wales can advise on issues like domicile which often depends on where someone is born and where their father was also born.
Succession law is another issue which needs to be explored, as this can impact on how possessions are dealt with when someone dies. It is important to consider that in some countries, forced heirship takes precedent over the contents of a Will.
Speak to us now at Bennett Smith Solicitors and make an appointment with one of our legal advisors to talk about making a Will.