Wills are often straightforward documents that clearly lay out the wishes of the testator on how their assets are distributed when they die.
However, some people have complex finances or have a personal life that requires much more careful estate planning. Wills and probate solicitors in North Wales can help to navigate the complexities of these particular circumstances when someone wants to make their Will.
For instance, if someone wants to make particular arrangements for their children who may have special needs or disabilities, they may need to include complex instructions about their care in their Will. Finances for their care may need to be carefully set aside and managed by a third party so clear orders will need to be included.
Unmarried individuals will also need to make provisions for their partner in their Wills as they will not automatically inherit an estate. To adequately provide for these partners, a Will must clearly state what they should inherit.
Business owners and those with international connections and finances will require more than a standard Will to deal with their assets. Tax liabilities could be dealt with in a Will and the legalities of international law may also be addressed.
Solicitors in Bangor can provide guidance on protecting and safeguarding assets so children or loved ones can benefit and family wealth retained. Complex Wills can also be amended and updated as required.
Here at Bennett Smith Solicitors, we can offer professional advice on completing your Will, so contact us now to book an appointment.