When you decide to divorce, it can have a huge impact on your finances, so it is advisable to use the services of divorce solicitors in North Wales to help you navigate the implications of dividing up your assets.
Although no fault divorces can make the process much quicker and easier, it is still worthwhile to consider a financial consent order. This is a document that lays out arrangements about what each spouse is financially entitled to. Failing to draw up this paperwork could lead to conflict over money and property.
If you have lots of assets or a complex financial situation, it is imperative to obtain legal advice when you are seeking a divorce. If for instance, the courts believe that your financial consent order is not fair or favours one party over anther, they may reject it. Solicitors in North Wales can help you complete this paperwork in such a way that the law courts will agree to it.
It is important to consider all of your finances during a divorce and this includes any pensions you may have. Having your pension valued will give you a much clearer and true picture of your finances. This could also include life insurance policies and long-term savings accounts. It is better to include these in your financial consent order as it is likely they will be investigated at some point anyway.
Please speak to us today at Bennett Smith Solicitors and ask one of our experts to advise you on the legalities of the divorce process.