There are several types of power of attorney and solicitors in Llandudno can help you decide which one is best for you. With powers of attorney, you are essentially handing over your legal affairs if you become too unwell to look after yourself, so whichever version you choose, you must ensure everyone involved is fully onboard.
If you have to go into hospital or into care for a short period of time, you may decide to put an ordinary power of attorney in place. This would give your appointed person temporary authority over your affairs while you are unable to manage these yourself. You can put an end to this arrangement whenever you feel ready to regain control over your assets.
Lasting power of attorney (LPA) can come in two different forms – these are property and finance and health and welfare versions. They are usually designed to manage aspects of your life for longer periods of time and could potentially be in place until you die, though you can order the end of this provision whenever you like if you are deemed to have capacity to do so.
Lastly, there is the enduring type. These have now been removed from the legal system and replaced by the lasting power of attorney. However, for those who already had one of these in place, it will still be valid, unless you choose to use solicitors in North Wales to replace it.
Call us today at Bennett Smith Solicitors and make an appointment to talk to us about lasting power of attorney.