Once you have completed your Will and it has been deemed legal and appropriate, it is essential that it’s stored in a place where it can be easily found when needed.
If anything unexpected happens and your Will cannot be traced, it is possible that your instructions may not be followed. Storing it appropriately will also protect the document from floods, fires and other catastrophic events.
Your Wills and Probate solicitors in North Wales can best advise you on the best place to store your Will. They could suggest, for example, that you keep the original Will in their safe or in a storage facility.
There are many advantages of this, such as if the Will becomes lost or damaged in their care, your legal advisors can take appropriate action to remedy this.
Alternatively, your legal team may recommend placing your Will with the Probate Service. Solicitors in North Wales can support you to complete the appropriate paperwork to do this, and to also help you make the formal requests needed to retrieve it at a later date.
Wherever you decide to keep your Will, it is vital that you or your solicitor informs your executors where it is. They must also be kept updated if the location of the document changes.
Take a moment to talk to us here at Bennett Smith Solicitors about your Will. Our team can answer all your questions and book you an appointment for a face to face conversation, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.