Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is an important part of arranging your affairs in the event of ill health that prevents you from making decisions for yourself. There are several versions, but two types are regularly used and it is vital that solicitors in Anglesey are employed to help you navigate the complexities of deciding which type is best for you and to ensure that the lasting power of attorney is appropriately registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
The Health and Welfare LPA is vital to make sure your care and well-being are taken care of in the event of you losing the ability to look after yourself. The appointed person must be assigned whilst you have mental capacity and can make decisions about your medical care if you become unwell. This attorney can also make choices about where you live and who can contact you, so it is essential that a trusted person is selected.
Lasting Power of Attorney can also cover your financial and property affairs. By using solicitors in North Wales, you can set out exactly how you would like your assets managed when you are no longer able to manage them yourself. This procedure can set out who pays your bills and sells your assets when needed. Detailed accounts of how your money is spent are usually required.
To learn more about Wills and lasting power of attorney, contact us now here at Bennett Smith Solicitors and speak to one of our experts.